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- It's United Nations with every fucking blood on their hands.
PBB mengecam keras perang berdarah mereka. - 1. We fulminate against Dove World Outreach Center's plan to burn Al-Quran in USA.
1. Kami mengecam keras rencana aksi pembakaran Al'Quran di Amerika Serikat oleh Dove World Outreach Center. - ILPS Indonesia strongly condemns US’ unilateral declaration on status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
ILPS Indonesia mengecam keras sikap politik pemerintah imperialis Amerika Serikat (as) atas pengakuan resmi Yerusalem sebagai ibukota negara Israel! - They are effectively banned under the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals and have been strongly condemned in the British magazine Cat World.
Mereka melarang secara efektif di bawah organiasi European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals (Konvensi Eropa untuk Perlindungan Hewan Peliharaan) dan telah mengecam keras di dalam majalah Inggris bernama Cat World. - Soviet representatives stormed out of talks over the conflict in Corto Maltese today calling American military presence in the region pure fascist aggression and pledging total military commitment to ousting the U.S from the Latin American island nation.
Soviet mengecam keras "Konflik Corto Maltese" kehadiran "Militer Amerika" merupakan suatu "Keserakahan" bentuk "Pasukan Militer" untuk "Mengusir Amerika" dari "Kepulauan Amerika Latin". - Since Trump has started to hit out so hard across several economic industries, uncertainties have started to reign supreme with savvy investors thinking it is best to save one’s wealth in precious metals since they have a certainty of increasing in value during crises.
Sejak Trump telah mulai mengecam keras di beberapa industri ekonomi, ketidakpastian telah mulai memerintah tertinggi dengan investor cerdas berpikir yang terbaik adalah untuk menyelamatkan kekayaan seseorang di logam mulia karena mereka memiliki kepastian meningkatkan nilai selama krisis.